
Fun, poetic and inspirational blogs.

The School That Was… by Comfort Ajibola

Mom: “Hey honey, what did you learn at school today?”

Daughter: “Obviously not enough, I still have to go back tomorrow”


Yes, we are all in this never ending cycle of life calle learning. It just seems to go on and on. For as long as I can remember I think I have been in school. I don’t really remember the first day I was in school but I still remember some kindergarten moments. I can’t believe I ate a crayon thinking they looked sweet because of its color. I took noodles to school every day and never really got to eat it alone: / I have always been first on the names list ‘cause of the A surname.

Middle school was great. Tons of friends and fun times. I aced grades 1-4 due to excessive reading of books ahead of my age. It was way too easy. I remember this one time I hid under the table hoping the teacher wouldn’t find me because I didn’t do homework! How lame am I! I should’ve just skipped school altogether, but my dad didn’t like the whole ‘skipping school ‘cause one didn’t do their homework’ part.

Grade5-7 I relocated to Namibia. It was so hard fitting in, a completely new environment and people. It really affected me and my studies. I felt like I was being judged and watched 24/7, but I got through anyway – good friends and support system.

The whole high school experience was just full of drama for me. Yes it had its moments but I truly do prefer The Polytechnic atmosphere better.

Poly is the Bomb, not like a grenade but you know what I mean. Lecturers and all the staff are so much more professional, they tell you things straight. Study or you’ll struggle later! Be in class or you’ll miss out! Don’t chew gum and stick it to the table! (Ok, that only happened once and I’m sorry, ma’am).

Poly is quite simple. Study hard for that Honors Degree, get it and get out so you can do wonderfully great things!

The graduation speech that was supposed to go like, “I just want to thank Google and the person who invented copy and paste” should probably be seriously edited because of the new implementation at Poly concerning PLAGARISM. To me it sounds like a word in a rap song. Now we are forced to think and forcefully read books with more than 400 pages talking endlessly about one particular topic divided into sub-topics with sub-heads and underlined topics and yeah, you get the picture. (Hears a whine) instead of Googling things, now you can actually know things, which is way awesome than “Hey man I don’t know that, I just asked Google last time”.

So my graduation speech is going to go something like this, “I’d like to thank God, my parents, all my lecturers and everyone at the school of Humanities, my neighbors, except for that baby in the 3rd house who wouldn’t stop singing SpongeBob Squarepants songs all day, every day for 3 weeks when I had to study for Drama! And the lady in the blue dress behind you sir (Gesturing) I asked for chips the other day the kiosk and you totally served the guy first before me, even though I said I had to go really bad, but you just ignored me! I want to give a big shout out to my best friend Mickey Brianna for always telling me when assignments, tests and homework are due and whatnot. Girl, if it wasn’t for you. I SO wouldn’t be here right now! Deuces!”

One comment on “The School That Was… by Comfort Ajibola

  1. polyshjournal
    August 6, 2013

    Fantastic and inspiring post, Comfort! 🙂 So if you start writing “He lives in a pineapple under the sea” during your Drama test, now I’ll know why 😉 Well done! -Ms. KJFD

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This entry was posted on August 6, 2013 by .